Dr. Patrician Sadovsky City department of Education of Buenos Aires Access: 02/05/2011? 12:11 hours word-key: didactics, mathematics, education According to Patrician author Sadovsky, the education of the mathematics must have a participation of the children in the construction of the learning and production of its knowledge. Currently the rules of the mathematics and the techniques produced for professors in some outdated cases, provoke in the children a insuportvel situation in the assimilation of discipline, are few explored the challenges and resolution of problems take that them to argue ideas and to verify given of the considered challenge that they involve the daily one of the students in the school.
They lack basic concepts for the agreement of the considered content, to search the active participation of the pupil in the execution of education and provoking a bigger generation of knowledge, according to author is necessary to mix the old concept modern, so that if it does not have the impression that the new annuls the old one, but yes to promote an education renewed having as base the old one. For example, according to author, some concepts of the ritual celebrity ‘ ‘ um’ goes; ‘ or of ‘ ‘ to catch emprestado’ ‘ , that it is not used in some situations of education, they can hinder the apreeno of knowledge it numeration system, is the questioning as the pupils will have this knowledge? The biggest problem of the professors not to dominate the didactics in the education of the mathematics is the insufficience in the formation of these professionals. But what the professors must make it is to search the specialization through the continued formations. The suggestion of the teacher Patrician Dr Sadovsky, is that the Public Politics of the Education, implement a bigger space of reflection in the schools, many times the professor do not have time to specialize themselves, therefore this time is divided in some pertaining to school institutions so that it gets a bigger wage.