Laying Laminate

When choosing a laminate should focus not only on its visual characteristics, such as color and pattern. Should pay due attention to his work harkteristiki. And the more the laminate is exposed to stress, the higher should be its durability. To date, we can recommend a very durable and resistant to moisture laminate from German manufacturer Tarkett. If you have not been able to choose the right laminate of this manufacturer, then look in the direction of the Belgian manufacturer of Quick step, which is not inferior to the quality of the previous one. It is also worthy of laminate manufacturers are Kronastar, Tarket and Perge.

The only thing to do flatly impossible – to buy laminate flooring on the market or stop your election Chinese laminate. All of the most popular and reputable manufacturers produce laminates of environmentally friendly materials, so that your floor will not exude a harsh chemical smell, and you can make a bed without fear of such a laminate, even in children's rooms. How to lay laminate flooring laminate stack Why? First of all, remember that the floor for laying laminate should be smooth. Allowed only minor variations of not more than 2 millimeters per square meter. Not necessarily remove the old flooring or linoleum on the floor. If the surface is sufficiently flat, a laminate can lay on top of and old flooring. The only exception – carpet.

Its all the same, it is recommended to remove it before installation. Stack laminated boards should be so that the rays of the sun fell on the floor parallel to the seams. Then the seams are less visible, so as not to be cast shadows. Obscure laminate floor heating is possible, but only if the coolant in it – water. In all other cases, too rapid heating damage the castle soedininiya on the boards of laminate.