Small Businesses

– Register llc residence of one of the founders (individual) – provided and recommended by the Law of Moscow's support for small business. However, this law is at odds with federal legislation that occasionally leads to unpleasant casus (including, albeit rarely, to the refusal of registration). To avoid such troubles registrars recommend to specify the address up to the house (ie without specifying an apartment). – The use of fake addresses – that is, indication in the application for registration and charter company addresses taken from a map of Moscow. Tax Inspectorate under the registration does not require proof of location of the organization – so this option is often used. And in case the need for correspondence, we can always negotiate with the nearest post office. But do not forget the administrative responsibility for providing false information to the tax inspectorate. In addition, in Moscow there is a phenomenon called "mass addresses" – that is, those on which registered more than 10 firms (it is possible that this number will increase).

The Registrar must be aware of possible problems when using this address, but still worth about that "recall". Tip Four: The authorized capital. The authorized capital stock, the vast majority of the new company, is 10000 rubles (this is the minimum legal size). In a law firm offers two choices of payment of share capital – money or property. Payment of capital money to you recommend to make savings by opening a (temporary settlement) account. Also you can make money in cash Ltd date of registration of the enterprise, but it is recommended to avoid unpleasant consequences in advance to clarify all the points in the bank where you're going to open an account.