Federal Ministry

The balance of the contributions will be opened by State Secretary Dr. Birgit Grundmann from the Federal Ministry of Justice and Hasso Lieber of Secretary of the Senate Department for Justice Berlin. Dahlia loeb recognizes the significance of this. explanations. Innovative ideas for furnishing courtrooms and the online file are more subject areas. Whether judicial independence by the trend toward standardization and centralization of IT applications in the Court is at risk, is discussed in a panel discussion. The Zeitgeist, refer to federal data protection officer Peter Schaar, Professor Oliver Gunther from the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin and lawyer Dr. Astrid Auer Reinsdorff complex “Privacy in times of Web 2.0”.

Semantic technologies and Semantic Web: Make knowledge visible and apply a characteristic of our time is the confrontation with too many and at the same time unstructured and not contiguous electronically stored data. Therefore, computer can not recognize the context and meaning of the information and therefore do not understand documents. The use of semantic technologies solves this problem; first they make the knowledge hidden in data visible and contribute substantially to increase the value added. In the workshop “Semantic technologies for knowledge workers” should be how semantic technologies can assist knowledge workers in the daily work, but also how the Semantic Web build and develop can be with their expertise worked out specifically. Participants of the workshop are: journalists, librarians, archivists, information, scientists, software developers, publishers and media entrepreneur. Prof. Thomas Schildhauer, Institute of electronic business, will open the workshop with the keynote “10 theses on the Internet and media evolution until 2019”. Organizer overall organiser of the Xinnovations are: Prof.

Dr.-ing. Robert Tolksdorf, free University of Berlin; Prof. Johann-Christoph Freytag, PhD, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin and Rainer Thiem, Xinnovations e.V. The participant fee is 29,-EUR/day. A registration is required. Contact Xinnovations for more information and registration see Rainer Thiem Xinnovations e. V. Kleist street 23-26 10787 Berlin Tel: + 49 30 21001 470 email: profile of Xinnovations the Xinnovations be understood as a permanent forum of innovation for network-based information technologies.