Education Primary

When we hear talk about education, we come to mind our first years of studies, and many we remember them with pleasure and joy. Some less, still remind their first teachers and professors, who were really what is said second parents. With time, the multiple activities of the people, the pressing needs more than ever before, and the incessant over time (seems that now the day had fewer hours), it has done that parents already don’t look closely the development of the learning of his minor sons and daughters, and this is unacceptable. While the work of teaching is true (called Professor or Professor) at the primary level is of educating their children, not on his shoulders all the responsibility to achieve this laudable and worthwhile mission. No! Early childhood education should be joint: exams, doing a solid block of successful actions in pursuit of the development both cognitive, attitudinal, sentimental and valuation, among other aspects inherent in these small and small. Moreover, in many countries, but already in all education involves society as a whole for this noble work.

Be a teacher at this level involves addition for it, join essential qualities, gifts, wills, preparation, identification with their profession and especially nursery (learners minors). When the docente-educando formula is given, the study environment is made as pleasant as desirable for both parties. But I insist once again, support from family at home is a duty that cannot be ignored and which should not be left to give. Many are already adults remember many stories, anecdotes, perhaps some good, perhaps some not so, but finally, after remember fondly those years lived and shared, as one might say in family, and that is precisely what is proposed as study spaces, an extension of the home, in which teachers acquire an important rolerespectable and beloved by children attending the centres of teaching. Respect and affection are demonstrated in many ways by learners, when really the work of the teacher is given positively, reaching not only the cognitive aspect student and student, but also in those aspects that required and they are important for them.

Needless to say that this stage is very important as greatly affects the example of teachers in the future life of learners. And it must always be a good example. The world of children is sensitive and in many cases the teacher or the teacher cover gaps existing in the lives of children: affection, willingness to listen, counseling (mentoring), participation of their concerns, etc. It has become more than one student for example tell your professor or teacher problems, questions, personal questions that can not be discharged to his parents for multiple reasons. Here the important work of the teachers in this stage is essentially. Should assess the work of teachers in particular in this level, which is the most delicate, and support all action that may lead to the unity of the family. Respect them as agents of training and education.