The Sacred

Grn (2005) questions: ' ' how we can have an not-ambient education if since the day of our birth until the day of our death we live in an environment? ' ' (pg. 20). The logic ' ' nature versus beings humanos' ' it comes of a time where the resumes of the units of education had wanted to adapt the call ' ' cincia' '. It started to occur a great valuation of the empirismo and the educational system walked in direction it forgetting to argue the humanizao, that in many situations is not something quantitative or possible of if finding answers. The time of Galileu brought the idea of scientific objetividade which transformed the nature into an object of study without sensible qualities as color, flavor, aroma, but yes, as a product with definitive and quantified value from its utility.

Educational education was constructed from historical conceptions permeadas by ideas that break up the environment and the people as two disconnected things. The preservation of the environment is perceived as the protection of animals and forests, and not, sight as possible attitudes inside of our proper city, quarter, street, and, mainly, inside of our houses (FREIRE, 2003). The education reencontro of the nature with the human beings would have to produce one showing that they compose one ' ' todo' '. It has theoretical conceptions that they interpret the reality from the call ' ' teologizao of natureza' '. This idea appeals to the sacred one, places that the environment was created by a superior being, a Biblical being. It does not only have vises certain or missed that, to many times, the holismo (nature vision that says that ' ' all only it functions as all if the parts to function as partes' ') it is interpreted as a pregao of beliefs that finishes for moving away many people from the ambient learning.