The State

In the same way as in physics, Depending on ambient conditions, a body of solid state can then to liquid state and liquid, gaseous; and from the gaseous to the liquid; and liquid to solid; in political science, depending on the ambient circumstances of crises in the State of the regime of a village, you can also pass a State of anarchic sovereignty freedom, a State of freedom from absolutist sovereignty; and a State of freedom of absolute sovereignty, a State of freedom of sovereignty of the people; and the State of freedom of the sovereignty of the people, to the absolutist; and the absolutist, the anarchic. Therefore always run the risk in the contingency which forms and constitutes the unity of our society, lose that State of freedom of the sovereignty of the people that supports the demos Athenian of true democracy, if the people won’t stay vigilant at the representation of its public powers of the representative of the Community institutions functional hierarchy, in the policies of its rulers. If the State of freedom of the sovereignty of the people would not support its democratic principles in the broadest sense of the perception of Justice, it could be easily confused with another State of freedom that arises from the State of the sovereignty of the people; and that State of freedom that can arise from the State of the sovereignty of the people is the Communist sovereignty. The State of freedom of the Communist sovereignty of the people is not only the abolition of private property and community property, but also the cancellation of wills and human effort that should be valued, but which are not valued in consideration of those rights of their own that has managed to win the individual as independent and socially dependent compatriot in the constituent integral formation of their social autonomy, in the functional unit of community life.