Intellectual Property Law

The transition from rejection to recognition of intellectual property of its important corporate asset of the company – a trend that is characteristic not only foreign, but also for the Russian economy. The strategy of intellectual Property is one of the main components of the marketing strategy firm. Interest in intellectual property, primarily due to the possibility of receiving additional income from the monopoly use of new technologies or sales of patents and licenses. Intellectual property companies is becoming increasingly expensive asset, the real value of which may not always reflect the principles of accounting. This applies particularly to those sectors where the key role played not only buildings, equipment, how much return on patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other so-called "intangible" assets. For example, the market value of the company "Microsoft" on 25 July 1996. was $ 70.9 billion, despite the fact that, according to the balance sheet net asset value was $ 5.7 billion manufacturing fashion – yet another example, when the intangible assets play a significant role in income generation.

Louren Klein, G. Armani, Pierre Cardin – designers, who made his fortune in the name. Becoming increasingly relevant to identify potential resources of enterprises and increasing effectiveness of the business as a whole through the use of intellectual property. Determining the right strategy and the selection of appropriate tactics with regard to intellectual property is an efficient mechanism for management of modern manufacturing, which allows to rationally organize the current and long-term planning, reduce the financial risks associated with investing. An important element of strategic management of intellectual property is the definition of the main activities of the company's creation (acquisition) and legal protection of intellectual property rights in existing national, foreign laws and international treaties. The main objectives in the strategic management of intellectual property are: – Organize and analyze the use of IP assets – Identify redundant and essential IP assets – The forms and methods of legal protection of IP – the dominant definition of the object IP – Implementation of IP protection, IP Commercialisation – Ending violation of exclusive rights.