The Dallas Morning News

FEATURE: The White House race in tile final Duel CANO ANTONIO – Dallas – 25/02/2008 Texans, needless to say, are people reece not easily excited and gives you a smile formality. These are not the finest cities in the East or take tea at five. this is a land of cowboys and oil, men and women who have sweated blood to survive in this desert, rude people but full, so formidable in hatred as reliable in love. Obama beats Clinton in Texas in the polls, but the distance is shortened if that premise is true, Barack Obama has reason to be optimistic about the crucial Tuesday, March 4, because the rally held last week at Reunion Arena in Dallas was not only more participatory political event is remembered in this city, but the wildest enthusiasm among those who have been in this campaign. In the sports pavilion 17,000 people came together, literally filled to the brim. Obama has not really said anything other than what is said in other cities. But it does not matter. His power of persuasion has gotten to the point that says “freedom” and people scream, says “Kennedy” and people shouting, said “change” and people scream, says “hope” and kicking people. Some compared it to a sports event. He has that passion happens to simple sporting exploits, certainly.

Others compare him to a rock concert. Youth participation, of course, is similar. Others speak of a mystical experience. All comparisons are worth. But the truth is that people came out of the stadium angry. “I had decided to vote for, but today I’ve noticed that is worth much more than I thought,” said Sharon Grigsby, who works in the editorial team of The Dallas Morning News. “I think we defended very solvent why his message of hope is not na ve but indispensable for the moment.” that is, in effect, the central issue in this phase of the Obama campaign to rebut criticism over its alleged superficiality and turn his promise of change and hope in an effective political weapon, not only that but also animos votes. “I trust my ability to lead this nation. But without you I’m nobody, no president is. And you are here because they know they can still do great things together as a nation,” Obama said in Dallas. Before that, a local leader, more prosaic, put things in the exact spot where they are today: “A state that is more and won. Winning in Texas, it is earned.” It is a widely held opinion. If Obama wins Texas or Ohio on the 4th, you may end this race that day. In both states, Hillary Clinton is above in the polls. But in Texas that distance has been cut so drastically as for the last CNN poll, five days ago, gave him only two points ahead of the senator from New York. It will not be easy for Obama. First, the high presence of Hispanic voters, it is estimated around 25 – among Clinton has had very good performance in other elections.