State Society

The speech presented in the film for the priest the Zuzu Angel, leaves explicit the omission of the church catholic ahead of the cruel manifestations of the dictatorship, speech this that legitimizes the action of the military against the combatants, alluding to the argument of whom these had attempted against in lower court with violence, justifying the action of the military, valley still to say that they contribuam for the mitificao of that the sessions of torture practised by the State would be a fallacy, a construction of bad-faith of the opponents. Concerning the participation of the middle class in the military period, the words of Jose de Murilo de Carvalho are elucidative. ' ' milagre' ' economic the satisfied middle class leaves, made use to close the eyes to the deprivation of rights politicians … But a time being disappeared ' ' milagre' ' … the middle class was inquietou and started to thicken the opposition votes. (p.192) Thus, it has that to survey itself that certain pacification on the part of some sectors of the society occurred, and such constatao becomes previsible, leaving of the estimated one of that regimes of dictatorship in Brazil had been marked main by the advance of the social rights and suspension of the civil laws and politicians, in view of of that the objective is to construct a dependent society of the State, tied to state paternalism, and the rise of the social rights conjugated with the economic growth, the suspension of the excessively right ones is a determinative factor to awake in the society one definitive omissiva position when. Unhappyly this evidence translates essentially negative consequences in the contemporaneidade, mainly with respect to corruption, in view of of that state paternalism results in the belief of the society of that they are incapable to be identified as transforming agents of the social environment, in reason of its conception of dependence, originating thus ' ' messianismo' ' that it is characterized exactly for the belief in a leader who will be ' ' rescuer of ptria' ' , this aspect is an elementary one so that the people not if they identify as detentoras of the power politician, and more not yet they understand that the elect one is a mere representative of the people. .