Cinderella wishes at a great feast to be, but it has not the right clothes and have to sleep next to the ashes of the furnace. The Cinderella still finds a way out and arrives at the Festival, where Cinderella mingles among the people, undetected. A Prince she discovers and detects the true bride in her stepmother and stepsisters get their comeuppance, and if they are not dead, …, akin to the rest refer to the homeless Max Bryan something like this got talent season, Cinderella was apparently also see the one who had to yield to the other, because there could be only one of two. Holder Busch was this one, which the producers of the show apparently already had chosen for themselves (in the case) to victory in the contest of which, while they back sent the Cinderella Max on the road, where he is still a pathetic. The programme makers had hid it well, keep until now secret, presumably to protect the true favorites of this season – Michael Hanus Bush – his existence.
Of course he is Sender and also the producer never really admit the theft in the history of the Max Bryan, a good conspiracy is not just to prove what has yet to proven, are a dozen distractions of the protagonists and formerly favored Super Talent participant Michael Hanus Bush, which according to the show’s producers would have to win this contest. (See also particularly benevolent statements of the jury by 18.12, the day of the final, compared to Michael Hanus Bush, the makers apparently desperately wanted victory. Now it was different, (what a novelty), the vocal virtuoso Freddy Sahin Scholl made the race and won the prize money of 100,000 EUR ahead of holder Bush during this year’s Super talent competition. The title Super Talent is thus not affected by the construct of such open distractions. Sean Quentin Dexter & Trevor Barnes (TeleNewsNet) Photo: fan site Michael Hanus Bush (screenshot by TNN) all photo and source documents in the press box by TNN. ppnews tvdesk/index.html RTL, Super talent, casting, Michael Hanus Bush, Distractions, Fatman, crossroads, band, Hartz4, friends, Dieter Bohlen, Bruce Darnell, Klimperkasten, Forum, viewers, song, MusicWasMyFirstLove, John miles, homeless man, Max Bryan, Hamburg, Harbour, Cinderella, lonely, alone TeleNewsNet Trevor Barnes (V.i.S.d.P) on Gross St. Martin 6 Office 255 D-50667 Cologne / Germany Tel +49(0)221-16256-7473 fax: +49(0)221-16256-7474