Month: January 2019


The human being generates garbage since the hour where it is born until the hour where it dies. They are tons of discarded residues during all a life. They is esteem that each individual is responsible today for the generation, on average, of 1 kg. of garbage per day. On account of this, much is…

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Star Commander

Until today The Day Of the Training 5 group of the troop of Brazilian defense of 58 district located in the city of Macei, state of Alagoas, is prepared for the week of survival training and tactics of wars, when the ship of 1 captain Silver appeared in the restricted space of the Q.G for…

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Diada Independence

Up to 1947 the humanity enjoyed unrestricted deliberdade in its avistamentos and contacts with the stranger who afustigava in the not identified flying object appearances, and infindvelsrie of historical registers proves this sobejamente. However to break daqueleano, more necessarily, two or three days after the 4 of American July (in the Diada Independence something fell…

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Fresh Foods Management

Technology manufacturer from Balingen on the NRF 2010 in New York City of Balingen, January 25, 2010 new scales, multi media, databases with thousands of pieces of product information for the expert product advice and merchandise management systems, which provide transparency about stocks of fresh product assortment the sellers at the NRF Annual 2010 presented…

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New Forest

Second of a family of seven brothers, son of a father small agriculturist, already today deceased and of a mother primary teacher, today pensioner, with a full infancy of limitations, however, with a very great desire to conquer spaces. With one year of age my parents had been to live in the city of New…

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