Obed Vizcaino Najera

The emerging political movements have assumed the role that Dios had given us to certain sectors committed in the past, with the theology of liberation. We were not able to effectively interpret the time of God, or Kairos, which had been entrusted to us, we settled a little times that we were living. The new emerging political movements, knew with greater effectiveness, interpret the feelings, needs and actions of our people. They put next to our people, next to our peoples, of the communities of African descent, of women, the homeless, the lands and the new groups referential of struggle, as emigrants, immigrants, displaced people, environmentalists, refugees, among others. These new emerging political groups, are those speaking stones, prophesied by Jesus, in his entry into Jerusalem, when the Pharisees sought to silence the people and his followers: I tell them that if these were silent, the stones shout. Also, the action of the Holy Spirit, moves in the midst of these emerging groups, which have assumed the prophetic role that certain sectors of the theology of liberation, had been abandoned for several decades.

They kept alive their messages and postulates faithfully, although from a more political and ideological than theological aspect. Perhaps discover so by inspiration of that same spirit, the urgent need for the liberation theology of enriching themselves from that perspective more politics and ideology, to avoid well future setbacks and revisionismos. The Pharisees of today, have managed to mute to those sectors of the theology of liberation, who for years preached as God’s voice, the imminence of the Kingdom and the liberation of our people, but the hierarchies and the academies, managed to tame these groups. This allowed were lifted other living stones on which are based the truths of salvation – liberation. Although this represented the Babylonian captivity, of broad sectors of the liberation theology and other progressive ecclesial sectors. Emerging social and political movements, took up effectively, the role of communicating God’s voice in a Latin America, which had virtually run out the prophetic voice of the theology of liberation. It is time of awakening of that long numbness, in which we stayed there for years, watching the political events of our continent, since that image that Don Juan Mackay, taught us from the balcony. If we continue this way, silenced and away from the communities, we will not leave the lament like those Captive Israelites who wept bitterly: sitting by the rivers of Babylon, crying to let us remember in our city.

At los alamos who in the city we hung our harps. There, which had led us captives, who it had taken everything for us, we asked for that we sing with joy; That I sing them songs of our land! Sing us songs of the Lord in a strange land?. The challenge we have as popular ecclesial sectors, and base ecclesial communities is the start to walk the path of liberation with our people. That I accompany him in this political path of liberation and integration. We have to identify ourselves fully with those who have kept alive the ideal of liberation in our continent. It should get off of the balcony and embark on the road, the only route possible, release. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth, as it is done in heaven. (Jesus) get to work! Juan Obed Vizcaino Najera.