Property Ownership

2) Another ground relates to a greater extent the possibility of discharge of the former member of the family without selling the apartment. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 31 LCD Russia, in the event of termination of family relationships with the owner of the premises right to use the living quarters for the former member of the family of the owner of the premises is not preserved, unless otherwise established by agreement between the owner and a former member of his family. For example, the apartment is a one-man property of the wife and husband only registered in a residential area. In a divorce the wife has the right to file a lawsuit demanding the eviction of the former spouse. From the above rule has an exception. Let's wife became the owner of apartments as a result of privatization, while her husband refused to privatization, but at the moment of the title deed had equal rights to use the living room. That is, the wife and husband were tenants, and privatization was the only wife.

In this case, write the husband even after the divorce is impossible. Former spouse retains the right to use the apartment permanently. Even if she would sell the apartment, the husband is entitled to reside in apartment up until not write it down on a voluntary basis. Importantly, the seller must notify the buyer that the house be sold in registered citizens. We had a case where the buyer has bought two-bedroom apartment in St.