Stendhal Syndrome

Very few are the Italian cities that retain the religious set full, since in most cemetery was always sacrificed for the sake of other urban developments. The monumental cemetery of Pisa is a huge rectangular cloister which is said to be built over a shipload of sacred soil from the mount where they crucified Jesus. It contains a good collection of Roman sculptures, sarcophagi and mausoleums, most covered by the arches and some in the central prado. The recommended itinerary leads us to San Gimignano a small walled town known as the Manhattan of the middle ages. At least fourteen stone skyscraper, erected by ancient wealthy families that competed with one another for possessing the highest Tower, the silhouette of the town located on a hill can distinguish miles away. We will then find Monteriggioni, a fortified medieval town whose visit implies an autetico trip in time. Some fifty houses, a pretty Romanesque church and a charming plaza mayor, completely surrounded by a wall and fourteen defensive towers. All perfectly restored.

The peculiarity of the place can be seen much better from an aerial view. Curiosamamente, one of the most renowned places of the village is the restaurant Il Pozzo, where excellent dishes served toscano. The point and followed our journey is Siena. An exquisite jewel of the middle ages, with buildings constructed in the XII and XIII centuries maintained as if no time had passed. Such is the case with its majestic Cathedral cover marbles, one of the few in the country built completely in Gothic style.

The Plaza del Campo, known worldwide by host each summer the Palio (horse medieval-style racing) has a series of splendid palaces among which stands out the Palazzo Pubblico, whose high tower is vistable and that is the seat of the Civic Museum, where exhibits an excellent collection of frescoes and tapestries. The old town of Siena you can visit calmly in a day, although it is an inadequate term to contemplate the numerous museums throughout the city. The end point of our getaway by Tuscany is its capital. The fascinating Florence is a great outdoor museum free, a endless succession of works of art that leave no room to breath and may cause in who tries to embrace them the so-called Stendhal Syndrome (manifested in the form of increased heart rate, dizziness, confusion and even hallucinations), a psychosomatic reaction produced by the accumulation of beauty and exuberance of the artistic enjoyment. No other city of the world concentrates enough beauty for reaching the soul that way human. A getaway to Tuscany is more than a journey.